Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Contest Kindness

Are you ready for another contest? This one will be a reverse of prior versions. Instead of trying to NOT do something, this Thursday will try TO do something - practice an random act of kindness. Here is the definition we will use: doing something nice for someone (preferable a stranger who has no opportunity to pay you back) that was not requested, and is not a "sin of omission". So in other words, if someone asks you to open a door, and you do it, that would not count. If you have the opportunity to flip someone the bird in traffic and choose not to, that would not count. Person with the highest total at the end of the day wins. -SN


  1. Well, I didn't perform as admirably as I should have. Excluding "sins of omission," I ended with one. I was enjoying some leisure time at lunch, and some poor soul found herself locked out of the office. I sauntered over and opened the door to let her into the beacon of happiness and eternal warmth that is the cubicle area. I also provided comic relief to help my pod's morale...It's possible they were laughing at me though. Regardless, I think that should count and push my total to two!


  2. WAIT! I spoke too soon! I just lent my cell phone to someone who was trying to make a call because his phone wasn't working. That's 2 (maybe three depending on how much you're willing to let me stretch the definition of "good deed") for those of you counting at home.


  3. Good for you, MSG. Actually good for all of us. I was a little disappointed that for most of the day, I had no contact with strangers to do a totally unsung "act of kindness". But I was able to handle a misdirected email for a co-worker, instead of just mindlessly forwarding it. I did have the great fortune to be at a large public event at night, so I had endless opportunities to let others get ahead of me in line, or past me or whatever. But more than anything, I was touched by the acts of kindness that were done FOR me. I think the contest made me more aware of it - SN
